DIGIPASS - Offers training materials for students going on a mobility experience, with a particular focus on helping them develop intercultural competences. The project also provides resources to support staff members who work in the area of student mobility.
Staff Toolkit – The DIGIPASS Staff Toolkit offers a virtual journey with best practice guidance, personal reflection tools, practical tools and case studies that will help staff to guide students through the mobility cycle.
Student Training Programme – The Training Programme is designed to improve the impact of exchange and other mobility experiences for students studying, interning, or learning abroad by providing a holistic approach to online mobility support.
Digipass Handbook - This downloadable Handbook is intended to help international offices implement new processes and best practices within the field of student mobility by providing tools and resources to support students at all stages of the mobility lifecycle. The Handbook includes a section on the project’s background, its outputs, and multiple resource packs.