INCLUSIVE MOBILITY in collaboration with SIHO in collaboration with
SIHO – provides a platform highlighting the inclusion and support services
offered by higher education institutions, national agencies, and ministries for education
to international students. SIHO (Support Centre Inclusive Higher Education) is a Belgian organisation
that serves both policymakers and higher education institutions in the development and implementation of
equality and inclusion measures for inclusive higher education.
Quick tools:
• A search tool for relevant Higher Education Institutions across Europe.
• Country specific information on Inclusive Mobility and local policies for the European Higher Education Area countries.
• Support for ‘Going Abroad’ which includes “useful information for different mobility opportunities and practical information.”
- Testimonials- read student stories about studying abroad and discover the many benefits of going on exchange.
- Toolbox - The Support Centre Inclusive Higher Education (SIHO) has developed a toolbox to inspire stakeholders with publications, reports and videos to stay informed on the theme of inclusive mobility. The Inclusive Mobility Toolbox is being continuously updated and enriched with new resources and is a place where new resources can be submitted.
- More resources available to explore, including Training Packages, Research Reports, Policies and Podcasts, can be found here.
Self-assessment tool- This tool aims to support higher education institutions, ministries of education and national agencies to assess their current practice against the Inclusive Mobility Framework and advise on action points for improvement; it is “an informal way of reflecting upon one's own institutional approaches to inclusive mobility.”
Inclusive Mobility Framework- This framework offers “a comprehensive overview of strategic objectives and action points in order to install a sustainable inclusive mobility strategy at institutional and/or national level.”
Training Package- This e-learning training package aims to support higher education institutions, ministries of education and national agencies with tips, tricks and advice to implement the inclusive mobility framework at institutional or national level.